EIGHT years after hitting the headlines as the maiden award winner of the Webb of Excellence scholarship scheme for brilliant-but-needy female day students of the Ada Senior High School, Stella Kabukuor Akpanglo is in the news again – and for good reasons. On Friday, September 20, 2024, she graduated with FIRST CLASS HONOURS in...
“I OWE the Webb of Excellence Welfare Fund and its founder, Madam Eleanor Louise Webb, a big debt of gratitude. Let me state unequivocally that but for your immense financial assistance, I would have missed tertiary education.” These were the very touching words of Miss Juliet Nuerki Annang, when she and her colleague, Miss Nyemignor...
“THIS is terrific news. I am super pleased for these two young ladies and I salute them for coming out with flying colours at the end of their four-year degree programme at the University of Ghana (UG).” This was the immediate reaction of Canadian-based Miss Eleanor Louise Webb, Founder of the Webb of Excellence Awards…
“I am totally flabbergasted; I am amazed at how things have quickly changed in my life after three short years at Ada Senior High School. And the big lesson I have learnt from all of this is that in the ladder of life, it does not matter where you find yourself at one time or…
“When I finally get called to the Bar, I pledge to freely put my services as a Lawyer at the disposal of the Webb of Excellence Welfare Fund so that, together, we can assist more young, female girls of Ada Senior High School to live their dream.” – Naa Kuorkor Afutu “I FEEL greatly…
IT is not surprising that - Business - is one subject very dear to Miss Eleanor Louise Webb, founder of the Webb of Excellence Awards for brilliant-but-needy female students of the Ada Senior High School. Fact is that Miss Webb, who was a CUSO (Canadian University Services Overseas) volunteer, did not only teach business...
TO climax the 60th Anniversary of the founding of Ada Senior High School, some 11 top personalities, who played significant roles in the advancement of education in the life of the school, were duly recognised at the school’s grand Speech-and-Prize-Giving Day which was held on Saturday, November 20th, 2021. One of such high-profile personalities...
STUDYING pharmacy at the University of Cape Coast is one of the great milestones in my life and it is an undeniable fact that this award will contribute significantly to my dream of becoming one of the best pharmacists in this country and, by extension, the world”. These were the words of gratitude...
THE first year of implementation of the of the tertiary support scheme of the Webb of Excellence awards saw the Fund honouring TWO female students instead of ONE as stated in its criteria. And the reason? The brilliant performance of the young girls in the 2019 West African Senior Secondary Certificate Examinations (WASSCE) simply...
IN line with modalities for the award, four students were shortlisted for the maiden event. After a meeting with the school’s team of administrators on November 26, 2015, it was unanimously agreed that Stella Akpanglo, a General Arts student, who scored an average mark of 72 percent, met the Fund’s criteria. Thursday, May 5, 2016,...